Monday, April 11, 2011

I did it!

It's official, people! I cooked my very first meal, all by myself. Now to some of you, this may sound absolutely pathetic, but I'm used to that reaction. My parents have always told me that they would rather do things for me, instead of me trying because "it's too painful to watch." Thus, I will be twenty years old at the end of the month and I can't do my own laundry, nor can I make anything other than Ramen noodles.

Anyway, back to the meal. So my last post was about jumbalaya. Something that I absolutely love. I'm originally from Virginia Beach and you can get a mean gumbo or jumbalya down there. Stocked full of seafood and fresh veggies. Therefore, I decided to try to bring the South to the North, for just a little while.

As my dad lingered around the kitchen, trying to check on me, I prepped all my vegetable. Washed them, cut them up and put them to the side. Next was the chicken. Okay, I have never in my life touched uncooked chicken. I cut the squishy mass into strips and then into cubes. Sick! But, I did it. Next was the polish sausage, not nearly as bad. And then, to add a little bit of seafood, I used some shrimp!

I browned the chicken, with some oil, then put in the polish sausage. Next came the vegetables, the chopped tomatoes and the rest of the veggies. Water and rice completed the mixture. Because I purchased frozen shrimp, that was pre cooked, I threw them in at the end so they could just get warmed up.

After about 45 minutes it was ready, and I couldn't have been more pumped. I made my entire family try it, and was even able to bring it to some friends, it makes a lot! It was a hit. And, the best part was, I did it, all by myself!


Jen said...

Proud of you, Jessica. And it looks good! :)

Unknown said...

Good job! You're on your way! And yes, it looks very good!

Jessica said...

Thanks guys! I had a great time doing it. I'm going to try to cook at least once a week. Start off with baby steps. :)

Elissa said...

Good Job Jessica =) The feeling of accomplishment it awesome. I've recently started cooking as well. And I feel ya on how excited you get. I also always make my family try it. I have a bad rep for cooking because I was also a late bloomer with learning, and so my family is always skeptical to try, but usually turns out good :) Have fun with the rest of your blog and enjoy the things you continue to make

Michelle said...

Looks interesting...haha, Don't know if I could eat it! but I am so proud of you making it on your very own!

Unknown said...

Yayy!!! I love cooking!!! Now you get to start experimenting!

Jessica said...

Hahah. Thanks guys. :) It's really good, just looks a little.. different!

Victoria Lynn said...

YUMM! This dish looks to good. its something Ive always wanted to try but instead would just go to Lagniappe! You are an inspiration to my cooking! Im glad to see you diving into this by yourself!